
Prompt Week - December 2020

Oh goodness! You guys, we have finally made it! Can you believe it? It’s December already and we are at the final month of our Prompt Week 2020 extravaganza! If you have made it this far you should feel proud of yourself and I hope that you will look back on the things we did this year and cherish it, despite the wacky circumstances of 2020.

This month, I wanted to do a little bit of reflection, a little bit of fun and a little bit of optimism for what is to come in the future. I know this year has had so many challenges but you made it, you made it through! And all we can hope for from here is a brighter day ahead.

You can find your list of prompts for December here. Enjoy them!

If you stuck with me this long, I would like to extend my thanks to you! While I know there are only a select few of you who share your prompts via social media outlets (and that’s ok), I can see there are hundreds of you who come and download the prompts - and that makes me happy! So thank you for participating and sticking to a year long challenge. Again, be proud of yourselves!

In closing, I would like to wish each and everyone of you warmest wishes for this holiday season.

Be sure to stay tuned, because you never know what direction this Odd Flock of ours is heading into. And until next time….


Prompt Week - November 2020

Wow, what a roller coaster October was, am I right?! It literally flew by in a whirlwind! So, now here we are in November, and the start of the month has a lot going on! So even though I am slightly behind schedule, I am happy to bring to you the prompts for November to help keep your mind occupied!

I hope you will enjoy working on these in between your daily life and preparation for any upcoming holidays you may have! I wanted this month to be centered around thankfulness and being present. To get your copy of the prompts you can click here.

So gang, one more month after this and you will have 12 months completed! Hang in there and we can make it through the last bit of this year!

Until next time…..


Prompt Week - October 2020

Greetings Odd Flock!

Fall is officially here and we are heading into my most favorite time of year!

I decided to go ahead and make a “neutral” list of prompts for October Prompt Week for those who may not be interested in the Halloween focused prompt list for October Daily. This time we are doing some autumn prompts as well as some general ones. I hope you all are doing well as far as spacing in your books! I have been trying to keep the prompts balanced with flat vs. bulky pages.

To get your copy of the October Prompts you can click here.

Have fun and we will see you back for the final quarter of Prompt Week 2020!


Prompt Week - September 2020

Welcome back Odd Flock!

I hope you all are doing well and keeping positive as we approach the end of the year. I have a mixture of some fun and some reflective prompts for September. Just trying to keep it mixed and have a good variety of fun and self care. I think that is a healthy balance that we should all strive to maintain. I know sometimes it can feel like a battle but if we focus on the greater good, I think all things will pass. Just put your best foot forward each and every day. Check in on your friends and family, and if you feel they are not checking in with you, it’s okay to ask them to. Lastly, always remember that you are #1.

You can get your copy of the September prompts by clicking here.

Take care my friends.


Prompt Week - August 2020

Well here we are starting on the second half of the year. Let us hope that we get on an uptick! I know the times have been trying in 2020 but from here the only way we can go is up. So I urge you to hang in there and stay as positive as you can!

This month’s prompts are pretty chill, trying to go a little easy before we get into the holidays where we are sure to add some book bulk! I can’t wait for the holidays to get here, are you with me!?

As always I have been enjoying seeing what you all are creating with the prompts. To download your copy of the August prompt list, click here.

Have fun with these and we’ll see you on the next set!


Prompt Week - July 2020

Well here we are half way through the year. It has really been a trying one so far, hasn’t it? What we can hope for and look forward to is better days ahead. We have to try and maintain a positive - even amid all that is going on. There will be a lot of things in life that try and bring us down, but the good news is we will not stay down. Together we are stronger and will rise.

So this month for the prompts I wanted to focus on a little variety of things, but mostly on kindness and being in tune with our fellow humans - brothers and sisters. Additionally, I added a few fun things in just to keep the tone balanced. You can always feel free to mix the days around depending on what you are feeling more.

You can find the document of our July prompts here. Side note, for those of you sharing your pages, I absolutely am loving the way your books are turning out! Keep on having fun!

As always I hope you are all taking care, staying safe and well and being kind to one another.

Until next time,



Prompt Week - June 2020

It’s easy, like really easy to get caught up in super trivial things - especially when there are more important things to have our attention on currently. While it can feel like everything is crumbling at times, be a pillar. When it feels like you are helpless, be a shoulder to someone who needs you. When you feel like you are defeated, bounce back and reach harder for your aspirations. In this world of ours, there is a lot of noise. Be sound, stay strong and keep your hope and faith alive.

This month for the June prompts I wanted to keep it lighthearted again. We will continue on with with some fun page spreads and using up our stash. I hope you are all doing your best in all aspects and keeping your spirits as high as you can.

You can get your copy of the prompts by clicking here.

I look forward to seeing what you all will do this month. Stay safe.


Prompt Week - April 2020

Times are different.

There are some things we just cannot control, but one of the few things we can control is ourselves and how we chose to react to circumstances. I hope you all are hanging in there. This month I wanted the prompts to focus more on ourselves and how we can come to accept ourselves and how we can learn to accept things we cannot change, things that are not perfect, or even seemingly imperfect - when they really are. Often times we have a plan, or a vision of how things are supposed to be, but life can whisk that away at any given time.

April showers, rain cleanses. We will go through tribulations. Things will not be what we expected. People and things are different from our own personal ideals. We live in a world where things are dished out and we can run, or we can face them. Try to use the prompts this month to explore your feelings about change, balance and reflection.

To download your list of prompts, click here.

Times are different, what does that make us?

Stay safe, stay well.



Prompt Week - March 2020

Spring is finally (almost) here! Is it just me or is anyone else looking forward to warmer weather? I can’t wait, it’s been a particularly cold winter in California this year! I hope you all enjoyed the prompts from February. I am really trying to make a good combination of prompts that are not too cliche in the way of season, etc. Trying to find fun ways for us to embellish our journals as the year wears on. What do you all think about it so far? I really hope you are liking it so far!

So, for this month of March, I would like us to focus a little bit more on growth. All around the world when spring arrives it’s delightful for the senses as we start to see signs of new life and the smell of beautiful plants and trees all around us. So as the world around us begins to grow again, I would like to to keep us reminded that we too grow. So these prompts are meant to rejuvenate our gusto after this dreary winter - even if you aren’t in the US, I think this will be a great jump start for keeping our minds and creativity refreshed.

Again, I thank all of you who are participating along and keeping me on my toes as we trek through Prompt Week 2020. So without further ado, here are the 7 prompts to round out the first quarter of the year. Oh, and I heard you all as well - I’ve put the prompts in PDF format as I think it will work better for everyone as it is a more universal format. Let me know if you have any issues. You can get the list of prompts by clicking here.

Thanks again Odd Flock and let’s have some more fun with #oddflock2020 !!

Prompt Week - February 2020

There is something so heart warming about giving out prompts, and inspiring others to have a few daily moments of solitude to themselves to get some thoughts and feelings down on paper. Thank you to all who have joined in for Prompt Week 2020, and if you haven’t yet, it’s not too late!

This month I wanted to focus the prompts a little bit more in the direction of loving yourself. I think it is really important that we all have self love and honesty about ourselves from within. It is only once we love ourselves that we can truly love others with a pure heart and mind. It is my hope that you will use these prompts and have some fun with them - and if you want to branch off and add a little bit more to each day’s spread, I encourage you to do that. Take some time and just really think about uplifting YOU - because you deserve it and you are worth it!

You can find a list of the seven prompts for February here.

Have fun and I truly cannot wait to see what you all come up with for this month! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ODDFLOCK2020 to see what everyone is up to as we progress through the year!