Prompt Week - July 2020

Well here we are half way through the year. It has really been a trying one so far, hasn’t it? What we can hope for and look forward to is better days ahead. We have to try and maintain a positive - even amid all that is going on. There will be a lot of things in life that try and bring us down, but the good news is we will not stay down. Together we are stronger and will rise.

So this month for the prompts I wanted to focus on a little variety of things, but mostly on kindness and being in tune with our fellow humans - brothers and sisters. Additionally, I added a few fun things in just to keep the tone balanced. You can always feel free to mix the days around depending on what you are feeling more.

You can find the document of our July prompts here. Side note, for those of you sharing your pages, I absolutely am loving the way your books are turning out! Keep on having fun!

As always I hope you are all taking care, staying safe and well and being kind to one another.

Until next time,

